Minutes to the Business Meeting of the Cornish American Heritage Society at the 20th Gathering of the Cornish Cousins hosted by Keweenaw Kernewek in Calumet, MI
August 16, 2024
Introduction: Tom Rusch, President, opened the business meeting with an explanation of the Cornish American Heritage Society, since many in the audience were not Kowetha. He explained the various offerings of the Society, such as the newsletter, website (forums), archive, travel grants, and presentations.
Membership: Johnny Trestrail reported that present membership included about 240 members.
Treasury: Treasurer, Dorothy Hosking, was not present at the Gathering. Tom reported the information she had shared with him: There was
$6,375.86 in the checking account and
$10,197.19 in the Vanguard account.
Presentation of Thanks: The Officers of the Cornish American Heritage Society presented Carolyn Haines, Past President and Newsletter Editor, with an award of thanks for her service over the past 15 or so years. It was a glass statue on which was engraved:
Thank you for your leadership and
hard work as newsletter editor for the
Cornish American Heritage Society.
Oll an gwella!
Approval of Constitution and New Slate of Officers was sent to membership at the end of July via email.
Constitution: Carolyn Haines made the motion to accept the new constitution. Bob Wareham seconded. Motion carried.
New Slate of Officers: David Downing made the motion to accept the new slate of officers. Antonia Burich seconded. Motion carried.
President: John Trestrail
Treasurer: Dorothy Hosking
Media: Christopher Haines
Newsletter Editor: Thomas Rusch
Past President: Thomas Rusch
Secretary: Open
Membership Chair: Open
Historian: Open
Harry Curnow contacted Tom Rusch as a self-nominated Historian. Antonia Burich made the motion to accept Harry Curnow as historian. John Trestrail second. Motion passed.
Antonia Burich nominated Bob Wareham as Membership Chair. Terry Haines seconded. Motion carried.
At the end of the meeting the office of Secretary was still open.
Antonia Burich made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Betty Antilla.
Respectfully submitted,
Tom Rusch
Past President and Newsletter Editor
Secretary Pro Tem