Cornish American Heritage Society Board August 27, 2024, 7pm
#1 Meeting via ZOOM
Present: Harry, Johnny, Bob, Chris, Tom, Carolyn
Absent: Dot
1. Johnny presented Carolyn (self – nominated) for Secretary. There was little discussion and Johnny moved to accept and Chris 2 nd the motion. All were yea.
2. Everyone introduced themselves to the rest of the board.
3. Comments about the Gathering were all positive.
4. Mike and Christine Frederickson proposed a donation of $10,000. We need to determine from them if it can be made public. A thank you note should be written and sent.
5. Johnny showed us the working draft calendar on Google Docs. We will have officer meetings every 2-3 months. Web events will be on the calendar.
6. Johnny mentioned he needed to schedule Karrie’s talk on her trip to Cornwall. (Accomplished 8-28 to be Sunday, September 15 at 7pm Eastern on ZOOM).
7. The Travel Grants event was discussed and determined to continue in 2025. The amount will be $1000. After the discussion, adding the $10,000 to the $16,000 that we have enough money, Tom moved and Carolyn 2 nd .
8. Tom announced the next newsletter will come out in September and be a shorter online version containing past and upcoming events. We will use Mail Chimp to send them out so we can track more about delivery and if it
was read.
9. Expectations were discussed for the Historian position and Harry had a few questions. It was determined that he might want to highlight some of the past events or interesting happenings and promote the holdings in
Mineral Point. Since he is interested in historical events, he can add facts that interest him. The Historian will also keep all the Gathering materials. Tom will add his meeting notes to the file.
10. Membership was covered by Johnny for Bob since he is new. 6 people were added at the Gathering, which makes 40 so far in 2024 for a total of 225. We are also receiving memberships from Cornwall.
11. Since the Treasurer was in Alaska, Johnny again mentioned that we had $16,000 in the bank and now have had a donation of $10,000, which comes to $26,000.
Meeting was closed a few minutes to 8pm
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Haines, Secretary